Russian Rouble(RUB) To Chilean Peso(CLP)
This is the page of Russian Rouble (RUB) to Chilean Peso (CLP) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Chilean Peso(CLP) To Russian Rouble(RUB).
30 RUB
299.8453 CLP
30 Chilean Peso To Russian Rouble
Exchange Rates Updated: Jan 31,2025 05:58 UTC
Full history please visit RUB/CLP History
Convert Russian Rouble(RUB) To Chilean Peso(CLP)
1 RUB = | 9.99484 CLP | 0.10005 RUB = | 1 CLP |
2 RUB = | 19.98969 CLP | 0.2001 RUB = | 2 CLP |
5 RUB = | 49.97422 CLP | 0.50026 RUB = | 5 CLP |
10 RUB = | 99.94843 CLP | 1.00052 RUB = | 10 CLP |
15 RUB = | 149.92265 CLP | 1.50077 RUB = | 15 CLP |
20 RUB = | 199.89687 CLP | 2.00103 RUB = | 20 CLP |
25 RUB = | 249.87108 CLP | 2.50129 RUB = | 25 CLP |
50 RUB = | 499.74217 CLP | 5.00258 RUB = | 50 CLP |
Russian Rouble(RUB) To Chilean Peso(CLP) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Russian Rouble | Chilean Peso |
Thursday 30/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 299.75302 CLP |
Wednesday 29/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 299.78859 CLP |
Tuesday 28/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 304.44944 CLP |
Monday 27/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 304.17987 CLP |
Sunday 26/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 299.51948 CLP |
Saturday 25/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 300.86916 CLP |
Friday 24/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 301.44025 CLP |
Thursday 23/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 296.63992 CLP |
Wednesday 22/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 299.64732 CLP |
Tuesday 21/01/2025 | 30 RUB = | 302.68231 CLP |
Full history please visit RUB/CLP Exchange Rates History
Convert 30 Russian Rouble(RUB) to other currencies
Popular Russian Rouble(RUB) Pairing
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